10 Most Sickening Things You Did In The Sims

1. Burn The Town To Make A Cemetery

the sims

Buying and creating your own graveyard takes a lot of money and work, but luckily this Sims player found a few nifty shortcuts to make his dream a reality. In order to have a graveyard, you are going to need graves and this Sims player found a hilariously efficient way to kill off a lot of people in just a few simple steps:

Step 1) Cover a room with layers upon layers of carpet.

Step 2) Invite as many people as you can into your house.

Step 3) Buy a butt-load of fireworks and set them off in that room.

In The Sims games, the neighbourhood Sims are programmed to come running whenever they see fireworks and so, for the first few minutes, people swarmed into the cramped, heavily carpeted room to get a glimpse of the action. Shortly after, however, the room caught ablaze leaving the player with 10 tombstones straight out the oven. Hooray for them!

After repeating this idea a number of times, the player had a very respectable graveyard. Unfortunately, it wasn't long until they too were part of the collection when they died of exhaustion from the incessant haunting of the graveyard ghosts.

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The Sims
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