10 Most Tear-Jerking Deaths In Video Games

5. Metal Gear Solid 3 - The Boss

final fantasy 7 remake zack

The beauty behind The Boss' death is how layered it is. The death scene itself is tragic enough - forcing the player to pull the trigger on the protagonist's friend, mentor and apparent traitor to her country - but its the subsequent revelations about the character that really turn on the waterworks.

Simply put, the Boss was used and discarded by the country she loved. Her "betrayal" was simply cover for her latest mission, but when that mission became compromised the US government immediately ordered her assassination to cover their tracks. The worst part is, she knew that would happen, and gladly gave her life to save the honour of the country that abandoned her.

Naked Snake, the game's protagonist, is left traumatised by his friend's sacrifice and the final scene is him saluting her unmarked grave. In one final touch, if the player presses the right shoulder button you get to see the scene from Snake's view. Except you can't see clearly, because the screen is blurred from his tears.

When Hideo Kojima gets it wrong, he gets it very, very wrong. But when he gets it right, he reminds us why millions of gamers fell in love with Metal Gear Solid's overwrought saga of clones, robots and heroic supersoldiers.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.