10 Most Terrifying Areas In Non-Horror Games

8. Ravenholme - Half Life 2

Sekiro Shadows Die Twice

What's creepier than an abandoned mining town? Why, an abandoned mining town with zombies and headcrabs, of course!

While you could argue any part of the game with the creepy cranium huggers is horrifying, Ravenholme bumps things up just that little extra notch. They're tucked away into every dark corner of the level, waiting for the perfect moment to pounce on your unsuspecting scalp.

Hilariously, even when you think you are finally done and free of Ravenholm, the game throws one final poison headcrab at you, presumably just to remind you that it can make you piss your pants whenever it goddamn feels like it.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.