10 Most Terrifying Horror Game Enemies Of The Generation
5. Xenomorph - Alien: Isolation
Before we tuck into everyone’s favourite stalker alien I want to give a quick shout out to the horrifying Working Joes you’ll also encounter on the spaceship from hell. While the highly adept alien predator is surely the main event, the creeptastic half-human-half-robots roaming around are wildly unnerving, particularly when they find you somewhere you’re not supposed to be.
Of course, that’s probably still preferable to when the Xenomorph finds you and bites your face off.
The Xenomorph itself is horrifying for obvious reasons. It’s a purpose-built stalker and natural predator that can’t be killed and has a dozen different animations to turn your insides to outsides in a blink of an eye. Like Nemesis, the tension of never feeling like you’re fully safe is what makes this baddie a special kind of nightmare. The horrifying audio direction that meanders between silence and the realisation that the Alien isn’t quite so far away as you hoped adds to the heart-pounding stress. As does knowing that the bleeps of your motion scanner which alert you to the Alien’s presence also alert him to yours and trust me that’s not a toe-to-toe you want to try your luck in.