10 Most Terrifying Stalkers In Horror Video Games

6. The Hunter - Dead Space

Condemned 2 bloodshot

To say that Dead Space is an intense and visceral experience is quite an understatement. Where most other games tend to favour creeping tension and well-timed jolts to get under the player's skin, Dead Space instead thinks the best approach is to skewer the player every few seconds with legions of monsters and barely enough ammo to fend them all off.

Even the manner in which players must fight enemies is anchored in gut-wrenching body horror as you simply can't fill your foes with lead to see them off, but instead, you must use your numerous tools of destruction to separate them from their various appendages.

It's certainly a novel approach to the genre and one that you'll soon find your groove with, but before long you'll encounter The Hunter, a stalker enemy that is capable of regrowing each limb that you manage to sever. It's a simple flip of the game's core design but one that produces wonderfully exciting results, as you're now forced to fend off a monster that simply won't die, all the while trying to keep the rest of the Necromorphs at bay.

His time in the game may be short-lived, but The Hunter certainly leaves quite the impression.


UK based screenwriter, actor and one-half of the always-irreverent Kino Inferno podcast. Purveyor of cult cinema, survival horror games and low-rent slasher films.