10 Most Terrifying Stalkers In Horror Video Games

5. Reborn Laura - The Evil Within

Condemned 2 bloodshot

To this day, the discourse around the original Evil Within has been divisive to say the least. Many feel that it has flashes of brilliance scattered throughout, but is ultimately let down by a tonal inconsistency that waters down many of the game's scarier moments.

Although one thing we can likely all agree on though is that the vengeful spirit of Laura is one of the game's biggest highlights.

Initially showing up during Chapter Four, this vengeful spider-esque spirit bursts forth from a pile of corpses in the back-end of a morgue, thrusting you into an intense cat-and-mouse game. You will eventually manage to escape her, but only for a brief time as Laura makes further appearances Chapter Five and Chapter Ten, completely derailing your attempts at progress and forcing you into tense mini-boss fights that see you have to utilise the environment to weaken her long enough to escape.

Thankfully after the events of Chapter Ten she's never seen again, that is until you boot up The Evil Within 2 and discover Laura is still very much alive and is holding a grudge. Thankfully, in this iteration you're finally able to put her down for good.


UK based screenwriter, actor and one-half of the always-irreverent Kino Inferno podcast. Purveyor of cult cinema, survival horror games and low-rent slasher films.