10 Most Ultra-Violent Video Games - Ranked From Worst To Best

3. Mortal Kombat

mortal kombat 9 IX noob saibot fatality

The king of ultra violence once you step outside the first-person shooter realm, Mortal Kombat has maintained an excellent bar of quality over the years, turning in the finest instalment to date in 2011, before topping it off with a solid 10th anniversary sequel.

Needless to say, everything from Sub-Zero's first spine-rip to Kung Lao decapitating a foe and holding their two severed halves aloft has helped cement MK's reputation as the premiere example of all things violent.

Going forward and into the 4K realm, it's going to be very interesting to see if a Mortal Kombat experience can even 'work' when rendering technology is photo-realistic. Let us know in the comments which MK is the goriest, as I'm going with number nine.

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