10 Most Ultra-Violent Video Games - Ranked From Worst To Best

2. Grand Theft Auto

Grand Theft Auto GTA

Over the years, GTA has mostly gotten less abrasively violent - save for the torture scene in GTA V, of course - but back in the halcyon days of the original, back when Rockstar were the punk rock upstarts to the popstars of Sony and Nintendo, they embraced that counter-culture spirit entirely.

Original GTA really felt the 'bad boy' of the industry at the time, a title where you could reduce pedestrians to basic 2D splats on the pavement, or mow your vehicle through streets of them in seconds.

The weapons, the score, the very idea of going on free-wheeling police chases - all the later games would allow for this too, but it was the first GTA in 1997 that ushered in this a sensation of pure, anarchic spirit.

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