10 Most Underrated Batman Video Games You've Never Played

2. Batman: Vengeance

underrated batman games

Taking place at the tail-end of the original Animated Series, Batman: Vengeance is the final video game hurrah for one of the most beloved interpretations of the Caped Crusader ever. Touted as one of the great superhero games of the PS2 era, Vengeance lovingly brought the art of the Animated Series to life, creating a moody and atmospheric game that was much more than just your average brawler.

Propelled by a classic narrative set-up that has you attempting to bring down the Joker, the plot of Vengeance is on par with some of the best stories from the animated series, a fact that's only emphasised by the game borrowing the cartoon's entire voice cast.

But having excellent presentation and an inventive narrative only gets you so far, and thankfully the title comes with a sophisticated combat system and brilliant driving segments that break up the gameplay into varied chunks.

Consequently, Vengeance never feels repetitive, astutely balancing its strengths to ensure that you're never forced into doing the same thing over and over.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3