10 Most Underrated GameCube Games

5. Star Fox Adventures

star fox adventures

Fans looking for more laser shooting, spaceship flying action in the vein of Lylat Wars were to be disappointed by the GameCube’s first foray into the Fox McCloud saga. In place of barrel rolls and intergalactic gun fights, we were given a strange and contemplative fantasy adventure set on a planet full of dinosaurs, for some reason.

It takes some adjustment, then. But this is a Rare game - their last to date for Nintendo - and more often than not, that means you’re going to get something pretty decent. The story - a once-peaceful world in need of saving through the collection of many mystical bits and bobs - is pretty fantasy by the numbers, but the dinosaur planet itself is beautifully designed, and if the play itself is a little Zelda-like, well, that’s rarely been a bad thing. They even throw in some Arwing battles for the old school heads.

Befitting its Zelda influences, the plot is eventually hijacked by series chief antagonist Andross, which is a bit of a shame, but nevertheless this is a bold and interesting step for the series. Fans are clamouring for new Star Fox content - we’d likely prefer the space stuff, but we could do worse than another Adventures.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)