10 Most Underrated GameCube Games

4. Wallace & Gromit In Project Zoo

star fox adventures
BAM! Entertainment

As inventive and charming as the source material, Wallace & Gromit In Project Zoo is far, far better than it has any right to be. Much more than an easy cash in for the youth market, this is a lovingly made game with the feel of something like Tomb Raider, only with a bipedal dog and a porridge shooting gun as your primary weapon.

With a ready made antagonist in The Wrong Trousers’ Feathers McGraw and two of Britain’s most beloved animated creations, Wallace & Gromit In Project Zoo has a leg up on a lot of similarly marketed games from the off. The game play is varied and surprisingly challenging, though never too frustrating to be unenjoyable, and the continuity achieved by the franchise’s typically brilliant music and the voice work of Peter Sallis means this game will appeal to many who wouldn’t ordinarily touch a controller.

Naturally, this was marketed as a children’s game, but to dismiss it as such is to deprive yourself of an uncommonly enjoyable adaptation of a beloved set of characters. There can’t be many iconic Britons in a game as good as this one.


Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)