10 Most Underrated Horror Monsters In Video Games
4. Jack Of Hearts - Nier: Replicant Ver.1.22474487139…
Like Ocarina of Time before it, Nier: Replicant may not advertise itself as a horror game but there's no doubting the darkness that permeates its design. From Emil's mansion - a blatant homage to PS1 era Resident Evil games - to the dreadful realization of the truth behind your protagonist's actions, Nier contains a multitude of horrors in its playtime.
This entry is going to focus on Nier's most singular, immediate form of horror - the numbing realization of seeing an overwhelming, seemingly insurmountable force and thinking "I am going to f***ing die here".
Jack of Hearts is big. A titanic mass of tentacles, kaiju DNA and pure rage, Jack is Nier's showpiece boss fight. Like any good monster, Jack keeps coming back for more no matter how much punishment you seem to dish out - every limb hacked off just seems to enrage the beast further, until eventually he's left to a snarling (but still lethal) head.
13 years on from his debut in the original Nier, Jack of Hearts remains one of gaming's most memorable monsters. The fact that his theme tune is comprised of an ominous-sounding choir belting out one of the best boss tracks in history is simply the icing on a towering, terrifying cake.