10 Most Underrated Sci-Fi Video Games

9. Transformers: War For Cybertron (2010)

Syndicate 2012 Game
High Moon Studios

Whilst it might be easy to meme and laugh off the idea of anything from the Transformers world being deemed 'underrated', there's a lot in the video game arm of the series to really enjoy, particularly in the Cybertron series of releases.

The original game should be singled out for setting the trend here, being released on all major consoles back in June 2010. Set on the Transformer planet of Cybertron, the game quickly wins some big points by allowing players to play with both the heroic Autobots and the sinister Decepticons in two separate campaigns.

The game really comes into its own with its multiplayer however. Each campaign can be played either solo or with up to three players online, and the competitive features allow players to fully model and customise their own unique Transformer. Competitive multiplayer features five different modes to play through, with Deathmatch, Conquest, Countdown to Extinction, Power Struggle and Escalation all providing something different.

The legendary Peter Cullen, original voice for Optimus Prime in the 1980s cartoon, also returns in the game to lend his voice as the leader of the Autobots and adds a seriously impressive level of weight to a robot character in a video game.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.