10 Most Underrated Sci-Fi Video Games

8. Satellite Reign (2015)

A real example of there being plenty of quality amongst even the lowest of budget releases, Satellite Reign is a real time tactics game set in a cyberpunk future and seen as a successor to the 1990's Syndicate series.

Launched by original Syndicate producer and lead developer Mike Diskett on Kickstarter in June 2013 and reached its target of £350,000 in just a month. The story is set on a mysterious futuristic city known simply as The City where a selfish organisation called the Dracogenics are hunting down a technology that would grant immortality. The Dracogenics privatise The City's services, bribe officials and regularly commit corporate crimes in order to maintain their power, and it is the job of the players to bring them to justice and restore freedom to The City.

The game features some seriously impressive graphics and slick animations for a release with such a low budget, and the level of depth to its strategic features are a real stand out. A four-player co-operative way of playing was also added into the game by Diskett in July 2016, over a year after the game's initial release.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.