10 Most Underrated Video Games Of 2015

2. Tales From The Borderlands (PC, PS4, XBO)

When Telltale revealed that it was going to bring its story-driven adventure game treatment to the Borderlands universe, many of us raised our eyebrows. The developer had risen to fame on the big-name Walking Dead series, and had also announced that it was working on Game of Thrones. Would the comparatively superficial, gun-oriented Borderlands universe be a comfortable fit? With the first season now concluded, we can safely say that it was not just a comfortable fit, but arguably the greatest Telltale game yet. The Borderlands universe is one that never took itself too seriously, and Tales plays into this approach brilliantly, as we follow Rhys and Fiona in their self-interested journeys across Pandora. These people aren't martyrs or even necessarily good people, and yet as they grow closer to each other and the colourful motley crew of bandits, thieves and murders populating Pandora, we really grow to love them. Tales from the Borderlands has been critically lauded, and yet it's been overshadowed in by Telltale's own Game of Thrones series that's been running concurrently with it. But unless you're a sucker for GoT's excess of fan service, then Tales is a far superior story, brimming with the kind of wit and humour that'd please fans of Tarantino movies and the Monkey Island series. It's certainly Telltale's wittiest and slickest story yet, and and arguably its greatest. Buy Tales From The Borderlands at GOG

Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.