10 Most Underwhelming Bosses In Resident Evil History

1. The Tyrant - Resident Evil/Resident Evil Remake

Ndesu Resident Evil

Okay, writing this is going to hurt your scribe as much as it will hurt you to read it, but we need to talk about the final boss of the original Resident Evil.

The original game is a masterpiece, plain and simple. There is a reason it spawned such a long-running franchise and why this is the game that is credited with spawning the entire survival horror genre.

In the closing moments of the game, we finally make it to the bowels of the underground research lab where the traitorous Albert Wesker introduces us to Umbrella’s top bio-weapon: the Tyrant.

The design of the Tyrant is awesome, particularly back in 1996. This thing is massive, has a huge cluster of claws on one hand, its teeth are exposed in a snarling grin, and its literal heart is beating on the outside of its chest. This majestic monstrosity bursts free of its containment and readily dispatches Wesker before turning on you.

The Tyrant boss fight is not a bad fight, per se, but it does have a generally underwhelming feel to it.

Even on a first play-through it is fairly easy to defeat, and for more experienced players there is virtual no challenge at all as you’ll have more than enough ammunition saved up to take him down. It’s a little bit of a downer ending to a game that has truly tested your limits of survival up to that point.


I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.