10 Most Underwhelming Bosses In Resident Evil History

2. Malacoda - Resident Evil: Revelations

Ndesu Resident Evil

Resident Evil: Revelations was Capcom’s first attempt at taking the franchise back to its survival horror roots after their detour into action-oriented gaming. Though not entirely successful, Revelations remains a very enjoyable and somewhat odd entry in the franchise.

Towards the end of the game, you’ll be faced with the titanic Malacoda, who is certainly a contender for the title of largest boss in the franchise. The Malacoda is the bloated corpse of a parasite-ridden whale which pulls itself up onto the front of the Queen Zenobia and begins to wreak havoc. There is some good build up to this boss fight earlier in the game thanks to files you obtain as well as glimpses of the parasites ahead of the main show.

Alas, Malacoda is a shining example of why gigantic bosses are almost never as fulfilling or exciting as they should be. The boss itself barely moves, leaving you to attack the many parasitic tentacles emerging from its body. You’ll do the majority of this fight on rails as well, having all agency taken away from you. Much like the Ndesu in Resident Evil 5; putting on-rails boss fights in games which usually allow you more agency is never exciting and always feels underwhelming.


I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.