10 Most Underwhelming Bosses In Resident Evil History

5. Ustanak - Resident Evil 6

Ndesu Resident Evil

Oh boy. There had to be at least one entry on here from this game, right? If this were a list of the worst boss fights in the franchise, then half of the entries would likely be from Resident Evil 6. As it stands, however, this list is all about boss fights which were underwhelming, and that is where Ustanak shines.

In the build up to Resident Evil 6, Capcom were trying to drum up real interest in this creature. They frequently touted him as a spiritual successor, and evolution of, Nemesis. He was to be an intelligent B.O.W. with the capability of stalking the player characters (in this campaign, Jake and Sherry), and the skills to use multiple weapons which could mechanically attach to his arm.

Ustanak boss fights are often drawn-out, relatively tedious affairs. Even when they try to make the monster scary, such as in the ice caves where you must sneak around without being heard, it just falls flat. This culminates in a ridiculous fistfight with the behemoth above a pit of lava, and a quicktime event as you try to escape. It isn’t very fun and feels poorly thought-out.

Swing and a miss on this one, Capcom.


I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.