10 Most Underwhelming Bosses In Resident Evil History

3. Albinoid - Resident Evil: CODE: Veronica

Ndesu Resident Evil

The Albinoid is a creature unique to CODE: Veronica, appearing solely in that game. This relatively small creature is introduced during Claire Redfield’s half of the story, breaking free in the laboratory before disappearing into a vent, leaving behind several of its brothers and sisters who zap Claire with annoying electric shocks.

Still, not too bad right? The game then slips you a handy file, warning that Albinoid’s have a habit of growing up very quickly, usually in a matter of a few hours. Fortunately, Claire has no intention of sticking around Rockfort Island for that long and soon escapes with nary another Albinoid to be seen. Just as players breathe a sigh of relief, however, the game sends you back to Rockfort, this time in control of Chris, and guess what? Baby Albinoid is a big boy now.

In true Resident Evil fashion, the creature stands between you and a key crest you need in order to progress the game. The fight takes place in a pool of water and the Albinoid can electrify the entire thing! Surely this is going to be an intense war of attrition, right? Oh, no, you can just run into the water, grab the crest and run away again without even fighting it. Oh… okay, then.


I'm Jamie, I am a writer and filmmaker based in Essex, UK. My key interests are in film and TV, particularly horror and comedy. I've published several short stories and hoping to publish a novel soon. Specialist subjects include Resident Evil, horror movies and Doctor Who.