10 Moves PlayStation MUST Make

7. Make Pricing Clearer

Kill The PS4
Guerrilla Games

The above photo depicts Horizon: Forbidden West's Aloy trying to understand Sony's pricing scheme for her game.

When the gorgeous but flawed sequel to Horizon Zero Dawn dropped on Sony's Playstation Store, customers were presented with two options for purchasing it: £60 for the game on PS4, £70 for it on PS5. Simple enough, except for one minor detail:

Anyone who paid for the PS5 version of Forbidden West was screwed out of those extra ten pounds.

In what would have been an otherwise consumer-friendly gesture, Sony decided not to charge players upgrading from the PS4 verison of H:FW to the PS5 one. Unfortunately, this was not made clear on the game's Playstation Store page, which initially made no mention of this fact.

Sony did eventually clarify this crucial piece of information, but anyone who'd already wasted an extra tenner on the PS5 version of Forbidden West was out of luck.

Foolish at best, intentionally misleading at worst, Sony's intial decision to hide the free upgrade path for one of 2022's biggest games was another PR blunder for the company.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.