10 Mysteries Video Games SHOULDN'T Have Answered

1. What The Hell Is Going On? - The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope

army of two devils cartel el diablo
Supermassive Games

The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope sees four college students and their professor end up stranded in the titular ghost town after their bus crashes, where they're pursued by a glut of supernatural phenomena.

From start to finish, then, players are simply tasked with uncovering quite what the fresh hell is going on.

But Little Hope stumbles hard at the end, when we learn that one of the four students, Andrew (Will Poulter), is actually the bus driver, Anthony. 

Anthony hallucinated the game's entire story after accidentally detouring into Little Hope, a town where he was the sole survivor of a traumatic house fire as a youngster.

And so, the majority of the game was basically rendered moot by the revelation that most of the characters we've spent time with aren't even real. 

In a game that's all about player agency and carving your own path through the story with an ensemble cast, that was a huge mistake.

Almost anything else would've been better than this - heck, even just never really explaining what's going on at all and letting the game coast purely on its spooky vibes.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.