10 Mysteries Video Games SHOULDN'T Have Answered

2. Who Is The Arkham Knight? - Batman: Arkham Knight

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After Batman: Arkham Origins jerked fans around with the wildly deflating reveal that Black Mask was actually The Joker all along, developer Rocksteady evidently learned nothing when it came to follow-up Arkham Knight and the identity of its titular masked antagonist.

Pre-release, fans quickly guessed that the Arkham Knight would most likely be Jason Todd, given the obvious parallels between the Arkham Knight and Todd's Red Hood alter-ego from the comics.

But Rocksteady straight-up refuted the notion of Jason being the Arkham Knight, loudly stating that the character was an entirely original villain created solely for this video game.

And so, when Jason was indeed revealed to be the Arkham Knight later in the game, fans set a world record for simultaneous global eye-rolling. 

Now, should Rocksteady have just come out and admitted who the Arkham Knight was? Probably not, but they would've been smart to just stay silent on the matter. 

Or better yet, don't leverage the game around this twist. If making the Arkham Knight an ersatz Red Hood was the best they could come up with, maybe don't even bother revealing who he is at all.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.