10 Mysteries Video Games SHOULDN'T Have Answered

9. How Are The Reapers Made? - Mass Effect 2

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Much as Mass Effect fans were keen to learn how all that Reaper sausage (!) was made, many ended up regretting their curiosity once Mass Effect 2 lifted the veil on it.

At the end of the game, we learn that the villainous Reapers are effectively made from melted organic material, and will take the form of whichever species was used. 

In this case it happened to be human beings, whose genetic material was fused together to form the infamous Human-Reaper.

You know what? We didn't need to know that badly.

Sometimes the mystery of a monstrous antagonist's origins are simply more alluring than the answers could ever be, and that was most certainly the case with the Reapers.

As decades of horror movies have shown us, it's often better to keep things ambiguous, because over-explaining a creature's backstory risks demystifying them to the point of silliness, as was absolutely the case here.

And yet, because Mass Effect 3's ending so thoroughly screwed the storytelling pooch, this blunder doesn't seem quite so bad in retrospect.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.