10 Mysteries Video Games SHOULDN'T Have Answered

3. What Happened To Shaun? - Fallout 4

army of two devils cartel el diablo

Fallout 4 sees the Sole Survivor wake up after 210 years in cryogenic storage, where they attempt to rescue their kidnapped son Shaun, who is said to be held in the mysterious Institute.

At the end of the game, it's revealed that the director of the Institute and overarching antagonist is Shaun, who due to being kidnapped 150 years into the Sole Survivor's deep freeze, is now an older man.

Except, given that we see Shaun get kidnapped decades prior to the Sole Survivor being finally thawed out, it was shockingly obvious that he'd turn out to be old when we finally met back up with him.

And with that in mind, it wasn't a tectonic leap to suggest that he might also now be running the Institute, because it's basically the most obvious route a writer could go for a "surprise" twist that's really not that surprising at all.

And with this rather uncreative approach to the whole missing son plot, Bethesda might've been better off opting for a more tragic outcome where Shaun is lost to time and the Sole Survivor never learns his whereabouts. At least it wouldn't feel quite so predictable.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.