10 Needless Video Game Features We Could All Do Without

3. Cover Based Shooting

It's not fair to blame the implementation of health regeneration entirely for the lack of challenge and interest in modern shooters, cover based shooting is just as much to blame, if not more so. Games like Doom, Quake and Unreal Tournament were dependent on movement and strafing to avoid death, but since the advent of modern era shoot-em-ups like Call of Duty and Uncharted, the importance of cover has continued to become more and more apparent. The duck and cover style of these games seems to directly contradict the idea of action gaming. It encourages players to duck behind a wall and pick off enemies from afar, which is incredibly monotonous and dull. It's not an optional mechanic either, if you choose to ignore cover in most of these games, you'll prematurely die as there are just too many enemies to deal with in most circumstances. The bland nature of this style of game-play has only been further emphasized by its spreading to the rest of the genre.

Sam is an experienced Film, Gaming and Wrestling writer, critic and journalist who was written for a vast number of different entertainment websites. Follow him on twitter at @Sams_Reel_Views.