10 New Game Plus Features We Should've Started With

6. The Secret Boss Fight - Persona 5

Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Secret bosses in RPGs aren't exactly a new thing, but Persona 5's decision to hide its battle against against Caroline and Justine behind New Game Plus? Absolute hell.

As bizarre and frustrating as all these other playthrough-gated features might seem, at least they're not locked behind a game that takes around 100 hours to beat on the lower end - and likely far more than that.

The only way to access the secret boss fight is to beat the game, and so while Persona fans sure are a loyal bunch who will likely see the experience through to the end, folks couldn't be blamed for wanting to set the game down immediately once the end credits roll.

It just seems patently unreasonable to take a boss fight many would want to play and tuck it behind New Game Plus given the campaign's outrageous length. No matter how great the game might be, life's just too damn short for this.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.