10 New Game Plus Features We Should've Started With

5. Miles' Suit Upgrades - Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Now to be completely fair to Spider-Man: Miles Morales, it at least has a modestly-scoped single-player campaign of just 7-8 hours, enough that playing through the game twice isn't really a massive hardship if you had fun the first time.

All the same, it's still a tad annoying that Insomniac decided to hold back some of Miles' abilities for a second playthrough - namely, the max upgrade for Miles' web shooters, holo-drone, remote mines, and gravity well gadgets, as well as various other combat skills and mods.

Given that the Spider-Man games are entirely about the wish fulfilment power fantasy of swinging around and fighting crime while becoming a stronger superhero, it's a mild shame that players aren't able to complete their build at the end of a single playthrough, but need to faff about with New Game Plus to achieve Miles' final form.

Again, the game's brevity makes it probably the most reasonable gated content on this list, but that still doesn't mean it needed to be this way.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.