10 New Game Plus Features We Should've Started With

4. The Grade Shop - Tales Franchise

Star Wars Jedi Survivor

In the Tales RPG franchise, players can earn a currency for performing well in battle, completing side quests, and so on, which can then be spent on nifty benefits in the Grade Shop on a second playthrough.

These benefits include boosting your party's levels, raising their carry capacity, doubling their battle experience, and changing enemy drop rates. 

Basically, the Grade Shop presents a suite of modifiers allowing players to tailor the gameplay to their precise preferences.

It's a neat idea, albeit one that would be even better were it available on an initial run through each Tales game. 

While there's a clear argument to be made that the Grade Shop could make the games too easy, being able to progressively unlock accessibility and time-saving features throughout each of the series' hefty campaigns seems far more useful than trapping it behind repeat playthroughs.

After all, how many beyond the die-hard Tales fans are really playing these games more than once before moving on? 


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.