10 Obscure Games You Might Not Have Tried

3. The Binding of Isaac

the blinding of isaac Created by half of the team behind Super Meat Boy (a title too popular to appear on this list), The Binding of Isaac is the tale of a young boy named Isaac, who escapes his murderous mother who is trying to kill him after she was ordered to sacrifice him to God. Isaac must navigate the many, many basements and avoid getting killed to finally reach safety. Now, I must admit, I have never beaten this game. It's in the same bucket as FTL, being a 'rougelike' game (named after the first game to use the formula, Rouge), with it's randomized levels, arbitrary upgrades that might actually do you more harm than good half of the time, and of course, must frustratingly, permanent death. Like any other game in the genre, if you die, you go back to the beginning with all of the stuff you picked up gone. However, the odd visual design (you shoot things with your tears and you appear to be naked the whole game) and the random levels make this a game that never gets boring. My Steam account says I've clocked 73 hours of this game. Trust me, this a game you should try. The Binding of Isaac is available on Steam for $4.99.
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Born in London, England, James is a media sponge. He consumes media of all shapes and sizes, from movies, to games, to music. He'll take it all. Apart from spending most of his life surrounded by media (his parents are musicians and his brother is a writer), he has been writing film reviews professionally for almost two years, and spends most of his time watching films, playing video games, and generally being an extremely anti-social person. Luckily, that leaves him a lot of time to write articles, such as the ones you will see on this page. Enjoy!