10 Obscure Video Game Movie Tie-Ins You Had No Idea Existed
9. Beverly Hills Cop

The Beverly Hills Cop game was developed by a company called Blast! Entertainment, who specialized in acquiring famous licenses (Home Alone, Little Britain: The Video Game) and pumping out cheap cash-ins to lure in unsuspecting fans.
They reached their own personal nadir with the Beverly Hills Cop game for the PS2, released in 2006 to precisely no fanfare. Loading up the game the first warning sign is the horrible rip-off of the famous Axel F theme from the movies, and when the game starts you see Axel is now a bald dude who bears no resemblance to Eddie Murphy whatsoever; so clearly, every expense was spared in making it.
The game itself is a poorly designed mess, with horrible stealth sections you can fail for no clear reason, appalling AI, a paltry number of levels and fiddly shooting mechanics. It's buggy to the point of being unplayable, and even the most dedicated Beverly Hills Cop fan is unlikely to make it through the whole thing.