10 Obvious Video Game Traps (You Walked Into Anyway)

5. Eating Mackerel - Nier: Automata

Tomb Raider Anniversary

Let's face it, Yoko Taro spares no opportunity to thoroughly mess with players in Nier: Automata, so why would a seemingly harmless mackerel be in any way beneficial to the player?

Now in fairness, after Jackass hands you the fish, she does plainly warn you that mackerel has a "horrible effect on androids," though in the very next sentence she also admits that she's curious to see what it does, before enthusiastically encouraging you to gobble it up.

When Jackass says "Don't blame me if you die," you know in your heart of hearts that something bad's going to happen, but you do it anyway, right?

Doing so will result in the following message appearing on-screen:

"Having consumed the mackerel, it didn't take long for the android's bodily fluids to congeal. Muscle rigidity and paralysis soon followed. 'It was good though,' the android thought as consciousness faded. 'Exquisite even. No wonder humans used to eat them...'"

After this, the end credits will roll, and that's all she wrote.

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Tomb Raider
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.