10 Obvious Video Game Traps (You Walked Into Anyway)

3. Do Not Ride Snake - Getting Over It With Bennett Foddy

Tomb Raider Anniversary
Bennett Foddy

From one snake to another now, with the maddening yet ridiculously entertaining platformer Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy.

Players are tasked with navigating a hammer-wielding man up a mountain, using said hammer to grip objects and propel themselves upwards towards their objective, which is much tougher than it sounds, especially given that the game has no checkpoints.

During the "adventure," you'll eventually come across a path with a sign that reads "Do not ride snake," but video games being video games, how can you not ride the damn snake?

Players who do, however, will find themselves riding said snake all the way down to the very beginning of the game, effectively pressing the reset button. To hammer the point home, Foddy's in-game commentary will even mention how much progress you just lost.

Thankfully the game does allow players to save whenever they want, so if you didn't make a save before attempting this neon-signposted trap, you really only had yourself to blame.

Needless to say, watching supercuts of streamers freaking out about the trick will never get old.

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Tomb Raider
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.