10 Old Video Games That Still Have Active Multiplayer Communities

8. Diablo III

Blizzard Entertainment

Amazon’s most pre-ordered PC game ever, and the fastest selling PC game to date, Diablo III fetched herds of players eager to smite demons through its intense and varied combat. The hack-and-slash RPG had been played by 14.5 million unique users by 2013, just a year after its launch, and had sold over 30 million copies worldwide by 2015.

This sequel to Diablo II saw a shift from the previously used Havok engine to Blizzard’s proprietary in-house physics engine with destructible environments. Diablo III also featured major improvements to loot drops, and the 2014 expansion, Reaper of Souls, brought improved enchantment and crafting systems, additional classes, better pacing as well as a fifth campaign act.

Also included was an adventure mode, enabling players to jump into any region in the game, and complete bounties and rifts at their leisure — making an already repayable game even more so. Despite being one of the newer games on this list, Diablo III doesn’t quite see as much multiplayer activity, but it’s still far more active than expected for an eight year old game.


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