10 Once Great Video Game Franchises That Should Disappear

8. Call Of Duty Yes Call of Duty fans, this franchise is dead! Get over it! Possibly one of the biggest franchises to hit the gaming scene. Didn't become quite so popular until it released Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, where it's multiplayer option broke boundaries and set the benchmark for online game play. Now, we're five more editions down the line and quite frankly getting sick of it. The game has now seem Hollywood directors being introduced to direct the storyline and in essence, getting too big for their boots. The game play doesn't seem to change after each release, which makes you think that every year you're shelling out forty to fifty pounds for a game, that quite frankly could be released as downloadable content. It makes me believe that the Call of Duty franchise is nothing more than a money spinner now and if the people behind it had any kind of conscience, they would just stop this cash cow.

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London chap. Love all things gaming, but still have time to enjoy my other passions which include Technology and Gadgets, Tottenham Hotspur, Rugby and Boxing. Love a good cup of tea and I don’t trust anybody who makes a bad one! Follow me on Twitter @mblessing1989