10 Open World Video Games That Mock You For Exploring

5. The Crew

Sunset Overdrive
Ubisoft & Reddit: u/ch3nTHEninja

For all of its many issues, The Crew features an impressively scaled-down open-world rendering of the United States, naturally prompting many players to ponder what might happen if they attempted to cross the border.

Though the game doesn't feature a Canadian border crossing, there is one for Mexico.

And alas, Ubisoft understandably appreciated that players might try to cross it, and so beyond merely erecting a border crossing area that's impossible to penetrate, they had a little extra fun with it at our expense.

You see, if you try to drive through the barrier, FBI Agent Zoe Winters will pipe up and throw some shade at your "greediness," asking you, "What, the whole USA isn't big enough for you?"

C'mon, people were always going to try, right? Besides, that slightly catty message from Zoe didn't stop some players from figuring out how to glitch their way past the barrier and drive around out-of-bounds regardless.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.