10 Out Of NOWHERE Video Game Transformations

8. Max Payne - Maximum Frustration

resident evil 4

Chances are that even if a gamer hasn't played any of the Max Payne games, they'd at least have heard of them. Often compared to the Matrix, Payne is synonymous with action, with diving around spraying bullets and definitely with slow motion coolness.

It is not normally remembered as, "Oh yeah, Max Payne, the platformer". What comes next is often referred to with disdain, with grim recollection for how suddenly out there it was.

That horrible moment is none other than the nightmare sequences that involve Max following a narrow trail of blood. So narrow that falling off causes the progress to be reset.

It's been covered many a time, true, but its inclusion here is to highlight not the difficulty or frustration therein. It's to show how massively divergent it was to the main game.

Throughout which, Max is encouraged to dive about to avoid being shot. Here, that concept is death. Jumping is precision here, failure a knife's edge.

It's a complete juxtaposition to the main game that caught many players unaware on its appearance. So imagine how annoyed we all were when they did it a second time later on.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.