10 Outrageous Hidden Moments In Video Games

7. Hot Coffee - Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

god of war 2005 helicopter

There have perhaps been more outrageous video game moments, but surely none as outwardly controversial and headline-grabbing as Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas' infamous "hot coffee" mini-game.

Shortly after San Andreas was released in 2004, modders discovered that a mini-game in which protagonist CJ could have interactive sex with one of his girlfriends was hidden within the game's code.

Modders quickly released a mod, Hot Coffee, enabling the mini-game for PC players, and it wasn't long before modders made it available for the console versions also.

This naturally sparked a massive public backlash, with the game swiftly being re-rated to "Adults Only" (AO), causing it to also be immediately removed from sale by most major American retailers.

Rockstar responded by initiating a product recall for offended customers and quickly shipping out a 2.0 version of the game with the content decisively gated off.

But of course, beyond being a totally boundary-pushing moment in video game history, Hot Coffee once again underlined western society's puritanical aversion to sexual content while simultaneously being unnervingly comfortable with graphic violence.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.