10 Outrageous Hidden Moments In Video Games

3. A Weird Night At Club Vox - Deus Ex: Invisible War

god of war 2005 helicopter
Ion Storm

Deus Ex: Invisible War may be one of the most colossally underwhelming video game sequels of all time, but developers Ion Storm did nevertheless let their freak flag in one majorly attention-grabbing way.

In the game's final level, UNATCO HQ, players can unlock a flabbergasting joke ending by taking a flag and flushing it down the toilet in UNATCO director Joseph Manderley's office.

A message will then appear saying, "And now for the REAL endgame...," before you're suddenly teleported to Club Vox for the "DX2 Wrap Party," complete with various NPCs dancing alongside the totally random presence of flaming penguins.

With enough walking around, the game will remind you that "this was a one-way trip," and you'll have to reload a prior save to actually beat the game proper.

The Deus Ex series may not be known for its riotous comedy or absurdist surrealism, but you have to hand it to Ion Storm here - they made something even Invisible War's biggest detractors couldn't help but laugh at. And, you know, actually remember.

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God of War
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.