10 Outrageous Hidden Moments In Video Games

2. Johnson Hugs An Elite - Halo: Combat Evolved

god of war 2005 helicopter
343 Industries

Much like God of War, Halo offered up an eyebrow-raising extra cutscene for anyone who had the stones to beat the game on the hardest difficulty setting - in this case, Legendary.

Doing so unlocks a cutscene where Sergeant Johnson and a Stealth Elite are fighting over a rifle, before they're both interrupted by the soon-to-combust Pillar of Autumn.

As Johnson accepts his fate, he tells the Elite, "This is it, baby. Hold me," and the pair make the odd, hilarious decision to embrace, with Johnson even cupping the Elite's butt as they anticipate their impending doom.

Fun story: in the original Legendary ending, the Elite actually touched Johnson's butt instead.

While this isn't in any way canon, it sure does provide an unexpected gut-laugh for anyone who slogged their way through the toughest challenge the game has to offer.

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God of War
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.