10 Outrageously Hard Video Game Boss Battles

2. Colonel Mael Radec €“ Killzone 2

Radec If there€™s one thing you remember about fighting Radec, it€™s the bullets. Fighting the Helghast dictator€™s attack dog is a gun-friendly affair, but the kicker is it€™s not just him you€™re shooting at €“ it€™s practically everyone else on Helghan. Seriously, Visari Palace must have a gigantic barracks. You€™ve already stormed your way through the front gates, killing several platoons of soldiers in one of the most frenetic battle sequences put on PS3. After this breathless pursuit, it€™s left for you and the universally-hated Rico to overcome Radec and apprehend Scolar Visari. But damn, Radec doesn€™t go down without a fight, first belittling you in a way only an English accent can (€˜didn€™t I kill all of you yet?€™) before sending in wave after wave of Helghan€™s finest. Playing this stage on Elite mode is just cruel. You€™ll spend most of your time pinned at the back of the hall, cowering from a stream of continuous rocket fire and getting your cover riddled by bullets while fighting off knife-wielding lunatics. So far, so brutal. But what really made this battle sadistic is Radec himself. Eventually the man gets bored and wades in himself, wielding a knife and invisible. Not since Predator has somebody been so terrified of something of the unseen, and if he stabs you twice, you€™re dead. The best part? If you do die, you have to start all over again. If you survive for the three-odd minutes it takes to kill this maniac, you€™ll know a sense of relief only felt by other Killzone players. Then Rico shoots Visari, and the fury re-emerges.

Durham University graduate and qualified sports journalist. Very good at sitting down and watching things. Can multi-task this with playing computer games. Football Manager addict who has taken Shrewsbury Town to the summit of the Premier League. You can follow me at @Ed_OwenUK, if you like ramblings about Newcastle United and A Place in the Sun. If you don't, I don't know what I can do for you.