2. Colonel Mael Radec Killzone 2
If theres one thing you remember about fighting Radec, its the bullets. Fighting the Helghast dictators attack dog is a gun-friendly affair, but the kicker is its not just him youre shooting at its practically everyone else on Helghan. Seriously, Visari Palace must have a gigantic barracks. Youve already stormed your way through the front gates, killing several platoons of soldiers in one of the most frenetic battle sequences put on PS3. After this breathless pursuit, its left for you and the universally-hated Rico to overcome Radec and apprehend Scolar Visari. But damn, Radec doesnt go down without a fight, first belittling you in a way only an English accent can (didnt I kill all of you yet?) before sending in wave after wave of Helghans finest. Playing this stage on Elite mode is just cruel. Youll spend most of your time pinned at the back of the hall, cowering from a stream of continuous rocket fire and getting your cover riddled by bullets while fighting off knife-wielding lunatics. So far, so brutal. But what really made this battle sadistic is Radec himself. Eventually the man gets bored and wades in himself, wielding a knife and invisible. Not since Predator has somebody been so terrified of something of the unseen, and if he stabs you twice, youre dead. The best part? If you do die, you have to start all over again. If you survive for the three-odd minutes it takes to kill this maniac, youll know a sense of relief only felt by other Killzone players. Then Rico shoots Visari, and the fury re-emerges.