10 Outrageously Inventive Video Game Weapons

8. Lift Grenade – XCOM: Chimera Squad

Xcom Lift Grenade
2K Games

Long-running strategy behemoth XCOM recently debuted a new spinoff game entitled XCOM: Chimera Squad. Dropping the permadeath and custom soldiers of previous entries in the series in favour of a lighter tone and more approachable gameplay, Chimera Squad focuses on bite-sized battles where, thanks to the new timeline system, every action has you thinking on your feet. Or off your feet, as is the case with the Lift Grenade.

This innovative new grenade type is essentially anti-gravity in a can. It uses electrogravitic energy to propel enemies into the air and out of cover, leaving them defenceless and allowing you to easily pick them off with a few shots from your squad members. Unless you miss. Which you will. A lot.

Chimera Squad may have endearing characters and an upbeat tone, but it’s still XCOM, and you can still fudge a 90% shot when you most desperately need it to hit. But that’s what makes XCOM so compelling. You never know when your fancy new grenade is going to help you secure the vital kills you need, or when it’s going to make absolutely no difference whatsoever and result in a horrifying squad-wipe.

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Patch is a pop culture enthusiast and purveyor of puns. He writes about media in a vague attempt to justify the alarming amount of time he spends consuming it. Nobody's convinced... but nobody's told him that yet. He spends his spare time working on Portal 2: Desolation, an ambitious fan-made sequel to Valve's beloved puzzle games.