10 Overlooked Nintendo Switch Games You Must Play

6. Thumper

thumper game

A stark contrast to Gorogoa, Thumper is an immersive, challenging, violent rhythm game that was first released on PC to positive reviews, but always remained overlooked - even as it was ported to the Switch in 2017.

Now that it is on the Nintendo eShop, you can try to keep up as the gameplay gets faster and faster, and increasingly complex. Created by the two-man developer team DROOL, this title is a must-have for anyone looking for a unique and intense Switch experience.

You play as a chrome space beetle travelling along a rollercoaster-like path, and you must survive by dodging, turning, and jumping while you play in time with the unsettling music. It sounds simple, but Thumper proves to be an anxiety-inducing, unforgiving challenge of a game.

With HD rumble and hypnotic graphics adding to the immersion, Thumper requires you to practise your skills and get to an extremely high level of accuracy and precision, but proves to be a violent, terrifyingly difficult, oppressive experience at the same time - in the most positive way possible.


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