10 Overlooked Nintendo Switch Games You Must Play

5. TumbleSeed

thumper game
Benedict Fritz

Another roguelike title available on the eShop, but this one is slightly different from the wealth of roguelike shooters that populate it.

2017's TumbleSeed is a skill-based, dual-stick action adventure game in which you have to balance a seed all the way up a perilous mountain, battling corrupted creatures, and avoiding obstacles and holes along the way.

The mountain is ever-changing as it's procedurally generated, so the game will feel fresh and varied every time you play it. There are different sections of mountain that you could travel through, including snow-covered, sandy desert, and rich green forest, but the treacherous holes always remain perfectly round and black. Fall in a hole and you will be sent back to the last checkpoint and lose hearts; roll onto spikes and you die instantly.

Inspired by an 80s arcade game called Ice Cold Beer, and featuring a colourful, cheerful art style that adapts as you work through the different types of environment on the mountain, TumbleSeed is charming and challenging in equal parts. The unique gameplay is worth checking out if you're interested in playing a roguelike with a difference.


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