10 Overlooked Video Games By Great Publishers

7. Pyre - Supergiant Games

The Warriors
Supergiant Games

Supergiant Games is one of the most impressively consistent publishers releasing games today, for since 2011, each of their four releases has garnered major acclaim.

And while there's a good chance you've played Bastion and Transistor, and a very good chance you've played their most recent game Hades, there's another title released between these three that didn't amass nearly the amount of fanfare its quality indicated.

Pyre was released in 2017 and did something truly unique with the typical action-RPG formula, centering gameplay not around hacking and slashing but "Rites" - a series of rugby-like team-based encounters that immediately separated the game from its genre brethren.

While Pyre received glowing reviews upon release, its sales reportedly fell far short of both Bastion and Transistor.

Perhaps the unconventional nature of its gameplay - leading some to label it a "sports game" - turned players off en masse, but whatever the reason, it's a game that deserves a far greater cult of fans than it's ever had.

Even with Supergiant's general popularity, Pyre has more-or-less faded into the periphery, overshadowed by the phenomenal recent success of Hades.

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The Warriors
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.