10 Overpowered Super Smash Bros Characters That Need Fixing

8. Fox / Falco

From Link and Young Link to Mario and Dr. Mario, character duos are a defining characteristic of Super Smash Bros., but few see as much play as Fox and Falco. Both are known for their upward finishers, horizontal speed and offensively applicable recovery, namely Fire Fox (seen above). It's no grand secret that these two pilots love to juggle airborne opponents, nor is there any question as to whether they owe much of their competitive success to their aforementioned dash ability. In fact, that Side + B dash is part of what puts Fox and Falco at risk of becoming a bother in the next round of bro smashin', as it can effectively obviate many close to mid-range encounters. Spamming the same move is damnable though, and is also easily countered. More powerful is the pair's Meteor Smash, a move which sends airborne opponents crashing downward with heavy knockback and damage. Falco's Melee incarnation is most guilty of this, but there could easily be room for abuse from both sides on Nintendo's newest platforms. Much the same is true for Fox's Up Smash, which has been launching juggled opponents for well over a decade.

A freelance games writer, you say? Typically battling his current RPG addiction and ceaseless perfectionism? A fan of horror but too big a sissy to play for more than a couple of hours? Spends far too much time on JRPGs and gets way too angry with card games? Well that doesn't sound anything like me.