10 Overpowered Video Game Exploits You Can Use In The First HOUR

5. Buy Low, Sell Infinitely Higher - Cities: Skylines

baldurs gate 3
Paradox Interactive

The Financial Districts DLC for Cities: Skylines came out less than a year before the release of the sequel. Which is a bit of a shame, as now most people who’ll begin their city-sim adventure with Cities: Skylines 2 will not know the glory of printing infinite money using the Financial Districts stocks exploit.

The exploit can be done as soon as you unlock the industry and the financial districts for your city. Once you build a simple industry zone of any kind and gain the ability to purchase stocks in it, lower the budget of your industry of choice to the minimum, and then purchase all of its stocks when the lack of financial support causes their value to plummet drastically.

Afterwards, simply raise the budget of the industry as high as you can and watch as your artificially cheapened stocks suddenly become worth millions of cells (aka, Cities: Skylines made-up currency).

Insider trading becomes very easy when you’re in control of both corporations and the stock market. You're also a lot less likely to end up in prison for it, seeing as you’re also in charge of your city’s law enforcement.


Video games enthusiast with a love for bizarre facts about his favorite titles. Really into old-school strategies and RPGs of all shapes and sizes.