10 Overpowered Video Game Weapons That Gave Players Nightmares

3. Objective Individual Combat Weapon - Ghost Recon

m16 modern warfare

This experimental weapon was banned from online play due to how much it completely owned the battlefield. The OICW was an incredibly overused nightmare of a gun in the original Ghost Recon back in 2001, and players soon grew tired of how damn effective it was.

With the grenade launcher attachment, you could rain down pain over a large area for cheap kills as the explosions could kill people with mere splash-damage in one hit. It had a surprisingly fast rate of fire too, due to the grenade belt being a magazine, and it was common to get fragged near constantly in a game focused on realistic tactical shooting.

Another problem was it was a just as effective scoped rifle, meaning it was damaging at an extreme range. There aren't many tactics needed when you can sweep the general area you want for a kill from far away.

If you chose this you would eat a ban in online matches at the time, and after the initial Ghost Recon sequel in 2004, the damn thing hasn't resurfaced since much to fans relief.

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Crazy fan of MMA who also loves his films.