10 Perfect Ways To Make The Witcher 4

8. Opt For Another Completely Original Narrative

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CD Projekt Red

Despite building on the lore of Andrzej Sapkowski's series of novels and short stories, the video game adaptations of The Witcher have always set their events after the events of the final book in the official timeline. These original stories have been influenced by the characterisations of the main players and antagonists in the books, and it's in that method that any addition to the game series should continue.

While many fans who have taken to reading the books having played the games - or anyone who read the books first, of course - have called for events of the popular series to be adapted for the game, this could be a step backward for the progression of the world that's been crafted in the franchise.

Taking the world forward is a must if the games are to continue to progress and be successful, so using traits and characteristics that shape the books' events to form original tales is the best way to aid this. The lore of the books is still rich and untapped enough in some areas that there's plenty of scope for logical and meaningful adaptation in the future!


Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.