10 Perfect Ways To Make The Witcher 4

7. Offer An Opening Tutorial Like The One In The Witcher 2

The Witcher 2 Tutorial
CD Projekt Red

Although The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt presented a mix of enticing gameplay and standalone story that was more than enough to attract brand new fans to the series, it was far from being the most immediately accessible of titles. Even the opening exchanges could have proved daunting to first time players, with Geralt thrown virtually straight into life or death action.

Admittedly there's a lot to be said for learning the ropes the hard way, and gruellingly difficult games like Dark Souls do have a significant appeal in the market at present. However, there needs to be at least some way for new players to get to grips with the mechanics of a game without feeling unfairly treated and being put off too early.

An arena style tutorial like that of The Witcher 2 covers this perfectly; it was tough and challenging enough to prepare players for what's coming later, but the encapsulated nature meant that no one had to sacrifice their enjoyment of the early narrative as they desperately fight to survive.

Finding a way to recreate this in The Witcher 4 would definitely be a mercy for newly introduced players.


Gareth is 28 years old and lives in Cardiff. Interests include film, TV and an unhealthy amount of Spider-Man comics and Killers songs. Expect constant references to the latter two at all times. Follow on twitter @GJCartwright.