10 Phenomenal PS4 & Xbox One Games Nobody Is Playing

9. Furi

Furi gameplay
The Game Bakers

One of 2016's hardest games by quite some distance, Furi is a brilliant mix of 'bullet hell' top-down twin-stick shooting, and up-close fighting game sword battles.

Sound complicated? It's not once you get the hang of everything. See, most of the time the camera will be zoomed out, your character darting to and fro as a boss is firing some pattern of projectiles your way, or is otherwise attempting to bring you down.

From here you can dodge, fire back, attack with your sword, or deflect - all of which come with optional charge modifiers. Do enough damage and the camera will zoom in, as you're now locked into a one-on-one segment where you can deal more damage.

It's really neat, and by the time you're a couple of fights in, you'll be dodging, deflecting and sprinting across the arenas like some Dragon Ball Z fight played in fast-forward. Furi is simply a very well made video game, and you need to see it for yourself to truly appreciate that.

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